I wanted to share with you my beautiful cast that my artistic daughter designed. Every time I look at it, I smile. And everywhere I go, it definitely gets attention! Being a crafter, I had all my supplies on hand for this creation. I think my daughter could have a second income if there were some way to advertise this. If you have any advertising suggestions, please let me know. This took her about 1-1/2 hours and the supplies were rhinestones and glitter glue. I think Im going to frame this somehow when it comes off. It won't be too old and gross since I will be having surgery within the next week. What an original piece of art!
A Touchy Subject
11 years ago
How cool is that!, it is a work of art. Will you get artwork on your new cast next week?
Yes, she said she will do better on the next one. Okay, what is better?
That is one gorgeous cast! Mine stayed plain vanilla the entire time I had it on... sigh!
Diane - Look what fun you missed!
I love your cast. That is so cool. You daughter is very creative. I would never have thought to decorate it that way.
Oh my Linda!! I've missed all the news here on your blog haven't I?? You poor petal you with your broken wrist. How awful for you! But at least you must get a smile each time you look at that wonderful artwork you're wearing!? :)) Could your daughter, or even the both of you together open a small etsy store to sell her very clever artwork? Or I notice you have a Facebook page....that might be just the place to advertise it too. Just a thought.
How clever are you to be able to make that wonderful little flower with only one hand! Now that's what I call clever and resourceful!
Just love the photo you're using for your header. So pretty!
Just wanted to thank you for dropping by and leaving your comment. I would love to hear how you go with the tutorial if you go ahead with it. :))
Thanks, Pam for your kind comments. I do have an Etsy store and I have been after my daughter to open one up. Maybe she will someday.
This is fantastic! What a great idea, to glam up a cast like that! fun.
Wow! I'll bet that gets a lot of comments when you are out and about!
Thank you, Linda, for stopping by my blog today and for taking the time to leave a comment. I hope you'll come back and visit again.
Blessings and healing,
Cool -- a Bling cast!! LOL
I like it!
Maybe you could open an etsy store, and she could make 'sleeves' that fit over casts?
Maybe all she would need is the measurements of the cast, then the 'sleeve' could be mailed when order completed...?
Just a thought
take care,
Great idea! Thanks
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